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The Winslow Boy


Terence Rattigan

Directed by: Garth Jones

7th, 9th - 14th Oct 2006

The action takes place in Arthur Winslow's house in Kensington, and extends over a period of two years preceding the war 1914-18.

Ronnie Winslow Tom Quinn
Violet Margaret Williams
Grace Winslow Clare Lewis
Arthur Winslow John Still
Catherine Winslow Mary Ellis
Dickie Winslow Nic Stacey
John Watherstone Duncan Walker
Desmond Curry David Garner
Miss Barnes Olivia Waring
Fred Gary Lawlor
Sir Robert Morton Peter Nawn
Stage Manager Doreen Brady
Continuity Cathy Campbell
Set Construction Val Donlan
Cyril Hines
Rowland Matthews
Geoff Sylvester
Doreen Brady
Roger Brady
Scenic Artist Shirley Murray
Lighting Val Donlan
Sound Cyril Hines
Properties Valerie Swithenbank
Wardrobe Joan Heinekey
Title Page Design Derek Frith
Production Assistant Dodie Jones