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The Wind In The Sassafras Trees


Ray Galton and Alan Simpson
Adapted from 'Du Vent Dans Les Sassafras' by Rene De Obaldia

Directed by: Edna Garner

8th - 12th May 1973

An Hilarious Send-up of Western Movies.

John Emery Rockefeller
A Rancher.
Peter Womby
Caroline Rockefeller
His Wife.
Joyce Pomfret
Pamela Rockefeller
Their Daughter, An English Rose.
Freda Hinson
Tom Rockefeller
Their Son, A Disappointment To His Family.
David Green
William Butler
A Drunken Doctor.
Eric Peel
Wayne Nelson
Tall Handsome, Heroic, Straight Out Of A John Ford Movie.
Rod Holt
Otherwise Known As Sure Thing Baby. A Prostitute With A Heart Of Gold.
Judy Parrark
Partridge Eye
Chief Of The Apaches, A Traitor To His Rum Friend Of White Man. Nice.
Joe Crossland
Lynx Eye
Chief Of The Commanches, Enemy Of The White Man. Very, Very Nasty.
Joe Crossland
Stage ManagerCyril Hines
Assistant Stage MaanagersHarry Outhwaite
Cecil Wildman
John Rowlands
Lighting and soundGordon Butler
WardrobeJoyce Pomfret
Rene Miller
Pat Thomas
PropertiesMaureen Ogley
May Seal
ContinuitySusan Gregory
Make-upTeddie Peel