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Trivial Pursuits


Frank Vickery

Directed by: Sue Mooney
Assisted by Ryan Ellershaw

8th, 9th - 15th Jun 2002
A summer evening's barbecue is the setting for a meeting of the Trealaw and District Operatic Society. Next season's play is to be announced but Nick, the society's business manager, has promised a different show and the plum roles to four different people. As the evening progresses each character's foibles and talents are revealed...
Teddy Richard Ellis
Joyce Christine Hall
Mona Melanie Davy
Pearl Margaret Williams
Roz Barbara Ricthie
Jessica Helen Clarke
Derek Duncan Walker
Nick John Still
Deidre Tracy Clapham
Eddie Tim Jorgensson
Stage Manager Rowland Matthews
Wardrobe Jayne Taylor
Properties Valerie Swithenbank
Edwige Marsland
Continuity Tricia Elmore
Lighting Cyril Hines
Sound Val Donlan
Scenic Artists Shirley Murray
Les Hinson
Set Design Ryan Ellershaw
Set Construction Doreen Brady
and The Workshop Team
Programme Cover Derek Frith
Production Assistant Derek Jones