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Tons of Money


Will Evans and Arthur Valentine

Directed by: Ryan Ellershaw

17th, 19th - 24th May 2008

A hard-up inventor pretends to be his cousin, in order to escape the clutches of his creditors.

Sprules Paul Reid
Simpson Collette Marchington
Miss Benita Mullett Margaret Williams
Louise Allington Lindsey Barker
Aubrey Allington Ian Tyler
Giles Gordon Butler
James Chesterman David Garner
Jean Everard Rani Jackson
Henry Peter Nawn
George Maitland Will Whitehead
Stage Manager Doreen Brady
Continuity Mary Ellis
Set Design Cyril Hines
Set Construction Val Donlan
Vicky Jackson
Izzie Rivers
Cyril Hines
Geoff Sylvester
Doreen Brady
Roger Brady
Scenic Artist Shirley Murray
Lighting Cyril Hines
Sound Val Donlan
Wardrobe Joan Heinekey
Chris Hall
Title Page Design Derek Frith
Production Assistant Dodie Jones