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Three One Acts

18th, 20th - 25th March 2000

Joining The Club by David Tristam
Directed by Derrick Jones
A successful career girl becomes unexpectedly pregnant.
JennyCarmel Waller
TomIan Tyler

The Anderson by Kathy Mead
Directed by Tom Thistleton
A family take refuge in their Anderson Shelter only to find they are not as safe as they thought....
Mrs CalderMargaret Williams
Elbie CalderWill Whitehead
Ralph CalderDuncan Walker
June RaynorTamzin Burrows

Last Tango In Grimley by David Tristam
Directed by Barbara Ritchie
Little Grimley Amateut Dramatic Society is in trouble. Main menbership has dwindeled to four...
GordonGeoff Bird
BernardJohn Still
JoyceKrys Rodda
MargaretAlma Wheatley
Production Team
Stage ManagerDoreen Brady
StagingThe Workshop Team
Scenic ArtistShirley Murray
LightingVal Donlan
SoundCyril Hines
Roger Brady
WardrobeJayne Taylor
Joan Heineckey
PropertiesMarjorie Cox
Edwige Marsland
P.A.Derrick Jones
Programme coverDerek Frith