Three One Acts
18th, 20th - 25th March 2000
Joining The Club by David Tristam
Directed by Derrick Jones |
A successful career girl becomes unexpectedly pregnant. |
Jenny | Carmel Waller |
Tom | Ian Tyler |
The Anderson by Kathy Mead
Directed by Tom Thistleton |
A family take refuge in their Anderson Shelter only to find they are not as safe as they thought.... |
Mrs Calder | Margaret Williams |
Elbie Calder | Will Whitehead |
Ralph Calder | Duncan Walker |
June Raynor | Tamzin Burrows |
Last Tango In Grimley by David Tristam
Directed by Barbara Ritchie |
Little Grimley Amateut Dramatic Society is in trouble. Main menbership has dwindeled to four... |
Gordon | Geoff Bird |
Bernard | John Still |
Joyce | Krys Rodda |
Margaret | Alma Wheatley |
Production Team |
Stage Manager | Doreen Brady |
Staging | The Workshop Team |
Scenic Artist | Shirley Murray |
Lighting | Val Donlan |
Sound | Cyril Hines Roger Brady |
Wardrobe | Jayne Taylor Joan Heineckey |
Properties | Marjorie Cox Edwige Marsland |
P.A. | Derrick Jones |
Programme cover | Derek Frith |