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Straight and Narrow


Jimmie Chinn

18th, 21st - 25th Sep 1999
Director: Richard Ellis
Assisted by Margaret Williams
The cosy domesticity of lovers Bob and Jeff is threatened by Jeff's crisis. Jeff is considering leaving Bob.... but for a woman, so that he can become a father. Meanwhile Bob contends with meddling family members who are ignorant of his living situation. His mother, a domineering comic creation, complicates matters by pressing Bob to get married. She refuses to recognize that there is anything about her son which might upset her conventional sensibilities. Can Bob's family - Lois and Bill, Nona and Arthur and matriarch, Vera - help to rescue the situation? And will Bob be able to tell the seemingly ignorant Vera that the 'straight and narrow' is not the life for her favourite little boy......?
Bob Chris Jorgenson
Jeff Bill Nolan
Nona Tracy Clapham
Lois Krys Rodda
Vera Barbara Bostock
Bill Terry Hooper
Arthur Duncan Walker
Stage Manager Les Hinson
Wardrobe Jayne Taylor
Properties Val Donlan
Brabara Ritchie
Prompt Barbara Hopkinson
Lighting Roger Brady
Sound John Rowlands
Set Design Norman Whitelam
Set Construction Norman Whitelam
Doreen Brady
Roger Brady
Cyril Hines
Reg Sykes
Programme Cover Derek Frith