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Sleeping Beauty


Charlie Cook

Directed by: Tom Thistleton

2nd - 7th December 2014

The christening of a baby Princess is interrupted by an evil Fairy, who curses the Princess to 100 years sleep.
Can the staff at the Castle save her? Will the Princess meet a handsome Prince? Will pies be thrown into faces? Of course! - it's a traditional family pantomime!

King Waffle Norman King
Queen Bossboot Elizabeth Bradbury
Fuddy-Dud Martin Davey
Jainie Oliver Mark Lees
Lazy Susan Anna Pullar
Elf Charlie Cook
Safety Ellie Brookes
Princess Aurora Amy Pullar
Prince Valiant Mike Cooke
Nova Mary Ellis
Carabosse Clare Lewis
Una Lois Moore
Chloe Lewis
Dewey Sophie Monk
Rachel Tibbitts
Tray Emily Smith
Hannah Mulroney
Villager Sadie Egan
Abby Hewitt
The Doctor Alisha Read-Walker
Prince Farage of Ukipia Scarlett Dean
Amelia Williams
Prince Boris of Londinium Sean Lavelle
Ben Metcalf
Small Dragon Isabelle Fisher
Emily Failie
Large Dragon Himself
Stage Manager Jennie Davey
Musical Director Luke Moulsher
Continuity Liz Cook
ASM Jackie Evans
Set Design Nathaniel Hall
Set Construction Tom Thistleton
Steve Hall
Scenic Painting Shirley Murray
Nathaniel Hall
Lighting and Sound Chris Toms
Wardrobe Chris Hall
Props Joyce Sykes
Tom Thistleton
Special Prop Design (Audrey) Margherita Murgia
Make Up Gaelle Roques
Chaperones Chris Hall
Jackie Evans
Songs written by Charlie Cook and Ian Parker
Arranged and performed by Luke Moulsher