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Shut Your Eyes And Think Of England


John Chapman and Anthony Marriott

Directed by: Bill Platt

27 Sep, 30 Sep - 4 Oct 1997

When Mr. Pullen comes to the office on a Saturday to finish the books for audit, he's astonished to find his employer, Sir Justin Holbrook, in the penthouse flat with a call girl. Unexpectedly, Lady Holbrook arrives and Holbrook passes the girl off as the second Mrs. Pullen. A rich Arab sheik is expected and England's entire fate depends on Holbrook signing an agreement with him, but Holbrook suddenly collapses and Pullen has to impersonate him. The arrival of the real Mrs. Pullen and others leads to an impenetrable maze of confused identities eventually resulting in Mrs. Pullen going off with the sheik and Pullen installed, presumably permanently, as Sir Justin with all that entails, including his highly attractive Lady.
Sir Justin Holbrook Norman Whitelam
Stella Richards Janet Slade
Arthur Pullen Duncan Walker
Lady Holbrook Margaret Williams
Rt Hon Sir Frederick Gouldhurst Laurence Took
His Highness Sheik Marami Ian Wilkinson
Mrs Joyce Pullen Krys Rodda
Mr Rubenstein Tom Thistleton
Dr Cornish Julian Wood
Stage Manager Barbara Ritchie
Continuity Vicky James
Lighting Cathy Campbell
Sound Julie Ward
Properties Val Donlan
Marjorie Cox
Babs Frith
Wardrobe Joyce Pomfret
Hilary Whitelam
Joan Heinekey
Set Construction Cyril Hines
Alan Churchhouse
John Rowlands
Doreen Brady
Reg Sykes
Norman Whitelam
Scenic Artist Shirley Murray
Programme Cover Derek Frith