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She Stoops To Conquer


Oliver Goldsmith

Directed by: John Garner

14th - 18th May, 1985

The best-loved English comedy of the 18-century mocks the snobbery of London through the manipulations of the country, embodied in Tony Lumpkin.

Mrs HardcastleJoyce Pomfret
Mr Hardcastle Adam Hare
Tony Lumpkin (his stepson)Paul Mizen
Kate Hardcastle Barbara Singh
Constance Neville (Kates cousin)Tina Borland
LandlordTony Browne
MarlowRichard Evans
HastingsSteven Lever
Diggory (servant) Derrick Jones
Roger(servant) Weoff Reyner
Sir Charles Marlow (Marlow's father)John Garner
PimpleAlison Hall
Landlords wifeEmma Hare
MaidLiz Reyner
Footmen/yokelsDon Williams
David Green
Stage Manager Cathy Williams
Set ConstructionColin Pomfret
Joe Crossland
Barbara Broadhurst
Mary Burns
Doreen Wilding
Derrick Jones
Steven Lever
Alan Churchhouse
Cyril Hines
Scenic Artist Pat Hohne
LightingMary Gregory
Sound Andrew Pomfret
PropertiesBabs Jay
Emma Hare
WardrobeJoyce Pomfret
Brenda Jones
Anne Hines
Christine Hall
Helen Darnley
Liz Reyner
Shelagh Hewitt
Make-up Edna Garner
ContinuityLiz Crossland
Programme cover Derek Frith
Production AssistantJoyce Sykes