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See How They Run


Philip King

Directed by: Ryan Ellershaw

16,18-23 May 2009

The action takes place in a Vicarage, Merton-cum-Middlewick, during Autumn 1944.

Ida, a maid Emma Cartledge
Miss Skillon Sue Mooney
The Reverend Lionel Toop Charlie Cook
Penelope Toop, his wife Carmel Bird
Lance Corporal Clive Winton Will Whitehead
The Intruder Nic Stacey
The Bishop of Lax Peter Nawn
Reverend Arthur Humphrey Fred Yeomans
Sergeant Towers Paul Lewis
Stage Manager Tom Thistleton
Set Design Ryan Ellershaw
Continuity Liz Cook
Wardrobe Joan Heinekey
Chris Hall
Lighting Nathaniel Hall
assisted by Adam Darnley
Sound Derek Frith
Programme Cover Derek frith
Set Construction Peter Andrews
Steve Hall
Alan Mooney
Sue Mooney
Shirley Murray
Barry Swithenbank
Geoff Sylvester
Scenic Artist Shirley Murray
Production Assistant Dodie Jones