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Salad Days


Dorothy Reynolds and Julian Slade

Directed by: Jean Cox

11th - 15th Feb 1986

Newly acquired BA gowns hang heavy on the shoulders of Jane and Timothy. Having got this far, what on earth do they do next? They could get married, of course (so they do), but how can they make a living? In a London park one breathlessly warm summer day they encounter a tramp who trundles round a mobile mini-piano. Even tramps need a holiday now and then, and he invites the young graduates to look after his business interests for a month at Σ7 per week plus whatever they can collect. The piano is not just any old mobile mini; those who hear it find themselves dancing, even against their better judgment.

Tramp Adam Hoyle
Joe Browne, Paul Corcoran, Richrad Evans, Dave Jones, Christian Minshull, Wenda Barlow, Samantha Beswick, Christine Hall, Joyce Ponfret, Mike Woodhead
Jane Joanna Bublik
Timothy William Watkins
Timothy's Mother Freda Hinson
Timothy's Father Norman Whitelam
Aunt Prue Doris Cocker
Lady Raeburn Kathy Russell
Heloise Joyce Pomfret
Assistant Christine Hall
Manicurist Samantha Beswick
PC Boot Christian Minshull
Rowena Samantha Beswick
The Bishop Adam Hare
Troppo Mike Woodhead
Tennis Players Dave Jones
Wenda Barlow
Butterfly Collector Joyce Pomfret
Artist Paul Corcoran
Sunbather Christine Hall
Fosdyke Richard Evans
Sir Clamsby Williams Joe Browne
American Paul Corcoran
Shop Girl Christine Hall
Theatregoers Doric Cocking
Freda Hinson
Norman Whitelam
Lady Joyce Pomfret
Sailor Dave Jones
Nurse Wendy Barlow
Manager Joe Browne
Fiona Wendy Barlow
Tom Smith Paul Corcoran
Waitress Joyce Pomfret
Arms Dabcers Christine Hall
Dave Jones
Augustine Williams Norman Whitelam
Stage Manager John Rowlands
Assistant Stage Manager Geoff Reyner
Wardrobe Joyce Pomfret
Christine Hall
and helpers
Properties Emma Hare
Mavis Rowlands
Babs Jay
Continuity Barbara Hopkinson
Lighting Cyril HInes
Geoffrey Frost
Andrew Pomfret
Sound Tom Hind
Choreography Helen Darnley
Jean Cox
Scenic Artists Mary Burns
Pat Hohne
Set Construction Cathy Willams
Tony Williams
Cyril Hines
David Kehoe
Andrew Price
Barbara Hayward
Janice Carter
Nick Minshull
Production Assistant Joyce Sykes
Programme Cover Derek Frith