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Sailor Beware


Philip King and Falkland L. Cary

April? 1969
Director: Edna Garner
The play depicts the successful attempt by a young sailor to curb the tyrannical ways of his prospective mother-in-law.
Edie HornettBarbara Jay
Emma HornettMeg Stenson
Mrs. LackMarjorie Mayhcw
Henry HornettRay Thomas
Albert Tufnell. A.R.Peter Womby
Carnoume Bligh, A.B.Adam Hare
Daphne PinkJean Hill
Shirley HornettFreda Hinson
The Rev. Oliver PurfeoyRon Proctor
Stage ManagerHarry Outhwaite
Assistant Stage ManagerCecil Wildman
SoundCyril Hines
PropertiesMarjorie Cox
Edith King
May Seal
WardrobeJoyce Pomfret
Jill Rhoden
House ManagersArthur Dyer
John Garner
ContinuityMary Gregory
Ticket SecretaryAnne Hines
Refreshments by the Ladies of the Society