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The Roaring Twenties (a revue)

Produced by: Edna Garner and Pat Nash

30th April -2nd May 1964
The Girls
Beryl Churchouse, Joy Cliffe, Wyn Jones, Nan Lord, Doreen Mills, Pearl Nash, Joyce Pomfret, Joan Rawsthorn, Audrey Slater, Nora Sommerside, Barbara Wiliamson, Norma Wilson, Peggy Wright
The Boys
Neil Bradford, Cliff Brown, Tony Browne, Mike Cornall, Joe Crossland, Adam Hare, John Mills, Ron Proctor, John Winerbottom
The Dancers
Vickie Brown, Margaret Browne, Lucy Butler, Eileen Cornall, Joan Evans, Lynne Grummitt, Judy Parrack, Meg Stenson
Musical arranged and directed byPat Nash
PianistPat Nash
DrummerJohn Goodfellow
Stage StaffBrian Stuchbury
John Williamson
David Griffiths
Geoff Pollitt
Eric Sommerside
LightingMichael Faraday
Tony Boyes
Wardrobe and Property MistressMary Costello
assisted by Mary Gregory, Shirley Quick
SoundCyril and Anne Hines
Costumes designed by Mary Costello and made by the girls under her guidance
Glad Rag made by Stella Winterbottom
Research and script by Pat Nash, Cliff Brown, and Audrey Slater
Catering by the Ladies of the Society
Our grateful thanks to the many people who have so kindly contributed to the show