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Rape of The Belt


Benn W Levy

22nd - 25th October 1969
Director: teddie Peel
Heracles and Theseus do battle with the Amazons in order to accomplish the ninth of the Labours of Heracles, stealing Hippolyte's belt.
HeraMeg Stenson
ZeusNorman Whitelam
HippobomeneMarjorie Mayhew
TheseusTony Browne
HeraclesDennis Johns
AntiopeShirley Quick
DiastaMay Seal
AntiifaMaureen Barton
HippolyteBarbara Jay
ThalestrisMaisie Pring
Stage ManagerCecil Wildman
Assistant Stage ManagersCyril Hines
Harty Outhwaite
LightingGordon But!er
Ed Cheadle
John Williamson
SoundRay Thomas
Scenic ArtistPaul Butler
PropertiesLucy Butler
Beryl Nash
Costumes designJoyce Pomfret
Make-upEdna Garner
House ManagersArthur Dyer
Ron Proctor
Ticket SecretaryAnne Hines
Refreshments by Ladies of the Society