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Plaza Suite


Neil Simon

Directed by: Len Simpson

31st Mar, 1st - 4th Apr 1981

Three couples successively occupy a suite at the Plaza

Visitor from Mamaroneck
A wealthy middle-aged tycoon having an affair with his charming and efficent secretary. His wife, who understands him all too well, fights hard to keep their marriage on the rocks.
Karen Nash Maisie Spencer
Sam Nash Joe Crossland
Waiter Eric Ormond
Bell Hop Stephen Parker
Jean McCormack Sarah Mawhinney
Visitor from Hollywood
This delicate piece brings out the humour, the poignancy, and even the pathos of a reunion of young lovers after a long interval.
Waiter Eric Ormond
Jesse Kiplinger David Burt
Muriel Tate May Seal
Visitor from Forest Hills
"You work and you dream and you hope and you save your whole life for this day and in one click of a door suddenly everything crumbles"
Norma Hubley Babs Jay
Roy Hubley Peter Womby
Borden Eisler Stephen Parker
Mimsey Hubley Sandra Baker
Stage Manager Jonathan Stott
Continuity Mary Gregory
Lighting Michael Pomfret
Louise Glover
Sound Ray Thomas
Properties Marjorie Cox
Kathy Russell
Wardrobe Joyce Pomfret
Set Design Len Simpson
Set Construction NeilHayward
David Burt
Stan Brown
Cyril Hines
Derek Frith
Programme Design Derek Frith
Production Assistant Joyce Sykes
Our thanks to Exchane Electric Ltd, Great Ancoats Street for the loan of light fittings