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Perfect Pitch


John Godber

28 Mar, 30 Mar - 2 Apr 2011
Director: Tom Thistleton

The central character is dear old mum whose possessiveness is a killer. She is thoroughly evil and glories in destroying anything that is good and kind and pure. And yet, like the Devil, Mum has an undeniable charm...

Ron Ian Fensome
Yvonne Clare Lewis
Grant Paul Lewis
Steph Ciara Tansey
Stage Manager Val Watkinson
P.A. Dodie Jones
Wardrobe Christine Hall
Joan Heinekey
Properties Valerie Swithenbank
Continuity Jennie Davey
Lighting Luke Moulsher
Sound Derek Frith
Staging peter Andrews
Steve Hall
Geoff Silevester
Alan Mooney
Scenic Artist Shirley Murray