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The Owl and The Pussycat Went To See...


Sheila Ruskin and David Wood

Directed by: Joyce Pomfret

5th, 7th - 12th December 1987

Fashioned to form a single tale with songs and mimed interludes. The Owl and the Pussycat sail to the land where the Bong Tree grows, where, after many adventures, the Plum Pudding Flea is foiled and the two protagonists are married by the Turkey and live happily ever after.

The OwlRobin Smith
The PussycatSue Mooney
The Dong with a Luminous NoseSteve Bates
The Quangle Wangle Gordon Butler
Mr Canary Collette Stapleton
Mrs Canary Liz Reyner
The Runcible Spoon Christine Hall
The Plum Pudding Flea Sam Beswick
Professor Bosh Adam Hare
The Pig John Rowlands
The Turkey Tom Hind
Head Jumbly Collette Stapleton
Jumbly Girl Pam Roberts
Jumblies & Other Characters
Andrew Hardman, Beryl Churchhouse, John Rowlands, Gwynneth Rees, Sarah Gilbody, Caroline Mooney
Musical DirectorReg Sykes
Stage Manager Barbara Hopkinson
Set Construction Barbara Hayward
Mary Burns
Colin Pomfret
Set Design Mary Burns
Scenic Artist Pat Hohne
Technical Director Cyril Hines
Properties Marjorie Cox
Barbara Hayward
Gordon Butler
Lighting Gordon Butler
Andrew Pomfret
Sound Norman Whitelam
Wardrobe Joyce Stott
Shelagh Hewitt
Brenda Jones
Anne Hines
Christine Hall
Debra King
Continuity Liz Crossland
Programme Design Derek Frith
Make-up Edna Gardner
Production Assistant Joyce Sykes