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On Golden Pond


Ernest Thompson

Directed by: Barbara Ritchie

1st, 3rd - 8th Dec 2007

The action takes place in the living room of a Summer Home on Golden Pond, in Maine.

Norman Thayer, Jr Peter Womby
Ethel Thayer Margaret Williams
Charlie Martin (The mailman) Richard Ellis
Chelsea Thayer Wayne Mary Ellis
Billy Ray Jr James Paterson
Bill Ray (his father) Charlie Cook
Stage Manager Val Donlan
Continuity Liz Cook
Set Construction Val Donlan
Cyril Hines
Geoff Sylvester
Doreen Brady
Roger Brady
Scenic Artist Shirley Murray
Lighting Cyril Hines
Sound Derek Frith
Properties Joyce Sykes
Hilda Knight
Wardrobe Joan Heinekey
Title Page Design Derek Frith
Production Assistant Dodie Jones