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The Noble Spaniard


Somerset Maugham

Directed by: Jean Cox

30th November, 3rd - 7th December 1991

Marion Nairn, a young widow, is spending the summer together with her young sister Lucy at Boulogne with Justice Proudfoot and his wife. The Duke of Hermanos, who is also passing his Summer at Boulogne, one day catches sight of Marion, and from that time on, he is her devoted admirer. He stands outside the window and admires for a few days, but finally he enters the house and declared his passion. Marion, ostensibly to get rid of him, tells him that she is married, whereupon he declares that her husband must die, and goes forth in search of him.

Lady Proudfoot Babs Frith
Mr Justice Proudfoot Ron Townley
Marion Nairne Sue Mooney
Lucy Heather Burgess
Mary Jane Kathy Edwards
Captain Chalford Ric Norton
Count de Moret Derrick Jones
Countess de Moret Nora Jackson
The Duke of Hermanos Geoff Bird
Stage Manager John Rowlands
Set Design Norman Whitelam
Scenic Artists Patricia Hohne
Les Hinson
Set Construction Gordon Butler
Les Hinson
Patricia Hohne
Barabara Hayward
Continuity Mary Carty
Wardrobe Joyce Pomfret
Anne Hines
Babs Frith
Joan Heineckey
Hilary Whitelam
Lighting Gordon Butler
Properties Margaret Cox
Mavis Rowlands
Beryl Churchhouse
Make Up Edna Garner
Photography Mike Savage
Programme Cover Derek Frith
Production Assistant Cathryn Heap
We are grateful to Wilmslow Garden Centre for the loan of flowers and plants