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Nasty Neighbours


Debbie Isitt

Directed by: Frank Kirkham

21st, 24th - 28th Oct 1995

Black comedy examining the stresses and strains of modern life in the 1990’s, Nasty Neighbours bursts into life following the emigration of Mr and Mrs Peach’s neighbours the Hodges to Australia. The grieving Peaches anxiously twitch behind the net curtains at their semi-detached home wondering who will arrive next door to take their place. But Mr and Mrs Chapman prove to be far from the ideal couple the Peaches had dreamed of. The Chapmans are rude, loud and aggressive, and with growing frustration Mr Peach embarks on a massive feud with his new neighbours. The problems escalate out of all proportion, even including the harassment of his old neighbours on the other side of the world. It isn’t long before all three couples are tearing each other apart

Originally performed the same week by over 100 societies as part of the 1995 BT Biennial season.

Mr Peach John Still
Mrs Peach Barbara Ritchie
Mr Chapman Duncan Walker
Mrs Chapman Dianne Jenkins
Mr Hodge Derrick Jones
Mrs Hodge Doris Cocking
Stage Manager Jake Flamberg
Wardrobe Joyce Pomfret
Hilary Whitelam
Properties Joyce Pomfret
Continuity Barbara Hopkinson
Lighting Nicki Masters
Gordon Butler
Sound Cyril Hines
Neil Wrench
Set Construction Norman Whitelam
Gordon Butler
Cyril Hines
Doreen Brady
John Rowlands
Reg Sykes
Alan Churchhouse
Scenic Artist Andrew Hoyle
Photography Members of the Wilmslow Guild Photograph Society
Programme Cover Derek Frith
Production Assistant Derrick Jones