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My Cousin Rachel


Daphne Du Maurier
Adapted by Diana Morgan

Directed by: Babs Frith

28 Nov, 1-5 Dec 1992

Philip Ashley travels to Italy to find his cousin Ambrose has died suddenly and Rachel, Ambrose's wife, has gone. Philip returns to England convinced Rachel was responsible for Ambrose's death, hoping to inherit his possessions. When Rachel arrives in England Philip falls in love with her. One small event after another causes a kind of see-saw of belief and disbelief. Is Rachel a scheming murderess or a grossly maligned woman?

Rachel Ashley Sue Mooney
Philip Ashley Ric Norton
Noicholas Kendall John Still
Louise Kendall Gillian Gunn
Antonio Rainaldi Geoff Bird
Seecombe Derrick Jones
James Simon Taylor
Domestics Marjorie Cox
John Rowlands
Stage Manager John Rowlands
Wardrobe Joyce Pomfret
Anne Hines
Joan Heineckey
Hilary Whitelam
Properties Marjorie Cox
Mavis Rowlands
Babs Frith
Lighting Gordon Butler
Sound Derek Frith
Set Construction Norman Whitelam
Derek Hohne
Richard Webb
Gordon Butler
Pat Hohne
John Rowlands
Les Hinson
Continuity Babrbara Hopkinson
Photography Mike Savage
Portrait/Programme Cover Derek Frith
Production Assistant Joyce Sykes
Our grateful thanks to Wilmslow Garden Centre for the loan of plants