Move Over Mrs Markham
Ray Cooney and John Chapman
21st - 26th May 2012
Director: Terry Hollinshead
A classic farce - The Markham's flat becomes a scene of total confusion as three couples converge on it, each expecting it to be free for an evening of illicit passion.
Add a vague authoress and a stray telephone operator, and stir continuously until it comes to the boil.
Joanne Markham | Emma Cartledge |
Alistair Spenlow | Nathaniel Hall |
Sylvie | Rhiannon Lewis |
Linda Lodge | Ciara Tansey |
Philip Markham | Ryan Ellershaw |
Henry Lodge | Nic Stacey |
Walter Pangbourne | Paul Lewis |
Olive Harriet Smythe | Chris Hall |
Miss Wilkinson | Alex Edge |
Assistant Director |
Jennie Davey |
Stage Manager |
Jennie Davey |
Continuity |
Jennie Davey |
Sound and Lighting Design |
Luke Moulscher |
Sound and Lighting Operation |
Alex Hall |
Wardrobe |
Chris Hall
Joan Heinekey
Staging |
Alex Hall
Nathaniel Hall
Steve Hall
Alan Mooney
Geoff Silvester
Nic Stacey |
Scenic Artist |
Shirley Murray |