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Lottie Dundas


Enid Bagnold

27th - 31st March 1973
Director: Alan Grint
Mrs Dundass, wife of an insane murderer committed to life imprisonment in Broadmoor is disturbed to notice similar personality trait in her daughter Lottie.
Lotties ambition to become a famous stage actress is realised strangely - but at what cost?
Mrs DundassBarbara Jay
Leppie DowPaul Mitchell
RoseSusan Gregory
LottieMay Seal
Mr PrattRay Thomas
Mr PorpiieryNorman Whitelam
MadgieMarjorie Mayhew
MikiFreda Hinson
Call BoyStephen Jay
Peter GarantyDon Williams
Mr HearnArthur Dyer
JanetLiz Crossland
Eva WiltshirePat Thomas
ReporterBarrie Billinge
A GirlLinda Hankinson
Stage ManagerCecil Wildman
Assistant Stage MamnagersJohn Rowlands
Harry Outhwaite
Cyril Hines
Bob Ward
PropertiesMaureen Ogley
Mavis Rowlands
WardrobeJoyce Pomfret
LightingMary Gregory
Lucy Butler
SoundRon Proctor
ContinuityPearl Nash