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Living Quarters


Brain Friel

Directed by: Mary Scott

2nd, 5th - 9th Mar 1996

This drama employs an unusual structure: a narrator named Sir instructs the characters on how to reconvene and reconstruct a day several years previous. Eventually the characters plead with Sir to alter the point of no return which changed all their lives.

Sir Norman Whitelam
Commander Frank Butler John Still
Helen Kelly Angela Hammond
Miriam Donnelly Katharine Robinson
Ben Robin Smith
Tina Vicki-Jane Worsley
Father Tom Crty Peter Womby
Charlie Donnelly Teddy Hooper
Anna Butler Cathy Campbell
Stage Manager Barbara Ritchie
Wardrobe Joyce Pomfret
Hilary Whitelam
Properties Marjorie Cox
Barbara Ritchie
Babs Frith
Valerie Donlan
Continuity Barbara Cook
Lighting Julian Wood
Sound Maureen Ransome
Set Construction Norman Whitelam
John Rowlands
Reg Sykes
Alan Churchhouse
Doreen Brady
Derek Hohne
Scenic Artists Shirley Murray
Andrew Hoyle
Photography Rick Dell
Programme Cover Derek Frith
Production Assistant Derrick Jones
Our thanks to
Wilmslow Graden Centre for the loan of plants
Commandant Michael O'Brien, Irish Defence Forces Dublin for advice on uniforms