Jack And The Beanstalk
Roland Peake
9th - 13th December 1969
Director: Judie Parrack
Traditional Pantomime
Dame Stirrup | Brian Jefferson |
Jack, Her Son | Joyce Pomfret |
Julie, Her Daughter | Pat Thomas |
King Cole Of Pandemonium | Harry Thornicroft |
The Grand Duchess, The King's Sister | Marjorie Hayes |
Princess Primrose, The King's Daughter | Audrey Slater |
Tom, The King's Steward | Maisie Pring |
Fab, With-It Kid | Ron Proctor |
Super, With-It Kid | Peter Womby |
Genevieve, The Widow's Cow | Jean Hill Les Hinson |
Fairy Bogweed | Susan Gregory |
Fairy Crystal | Helen Scott |
The Ogre | Norman Whitelam |
Horace, His Henchman | Arthur Dyer |
The Giant's Harp | Pamela Dixon |
Villagers |
Marjorie Cox, Pamela Dixon, Edith King, Joan Woodhall |
Children |
Michael Pomfret, Michael Slater, John Womby |
Dancers |
Maureen Barton, Margaret Gadd, Jean Hill, Freda Hinson, Jill Rhoden |
Fairies |
Christine Bell, Alma Gregory, Janet Hines,Hayley Parrack, Hilary Pomfret, Alison Quick, Rachel Rist |
Stage Manager | Harry Outhwaite |
Assistant Stage Managers | Malcolm Hill Cyril Hines Cecil Wildman |
Lighting | Gordon Butler Ed Cheadle John Williamson |
Scenic Artist | Paul Butler |
Properties | Teddy Peel Marjorie Mayhew Peggy Butler |
Wardrobe Mistress | Joyce Pomfret |
Wardrobe Assistants | May Seal Teddy Peel Hilda Outhwaite |
Character Make-up | Edna Garner |
House Managers | Lucy Butler John Mills Meg Stenson |
Continuity | Shirley Quick |
Ticket Secretary | Anne Hines |