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Jack And The Beanstalk


Roland Peake

9th - 13th December 1969
Director: Judie Parrack
Traditional Pantomime
Dame StirrupBrian Jefferson
Jack, Her SonJoyce Pomfret
Julie, Her DaughterPat Thomas
King Cole Of PandemoniumHarry Thornicroft
The Grand Duchess, The King's SisterMarjorie Hayes
Princess Primrose, The King's DaughterAudrey Slater
Tom, The King's StewardMaisie Pring
Fab, With-It KidRon Proctor
Super, With-It KidPeter Womby
Genevieve, The Widow's CowJean Hill
Les Hinson
Fairy BogweedSusan Gregory
Fairy CrystalHelen Scott
The OgreNorman Whitelam
Horace, His HenchmanArthur Dyer
The Giant's HarpPamela Dixon
Marjorie Cox, Pamela Dixon, Edith King, Joan Woodhall
Michael Pomfret, Michael Slater, John Womby
Maureen Barton, Margaret Gadd, Jean Hill, Freda Hinson, Jill Rhoden
Christine Bell, Alma Gregory, Janet Hines,Hayley Parrack, Hilary Pomfret, Alison Quick, Rachel Rist
Stage ManagerHarry Outhwaite
Assistant Stage ManagersMalcolm Hill
Cyril Hines
Cecil Wildman
LightingGordon Butler
Ed Cheadle
John Williamson
Scenic ArtistPaul Butler
PropertiesTeddy Peel
Marjorie Mayhew
Peggy Butler
Wardrobe MistressJoyce Pomfret
Wardrobe AssistantsMay Seal
Teddy Peel
Hilda Outhwaite
Character Make-upEdna Garner
House ManagersLucy Butler
John Mills
Meg Stenson
ContinuityShirley Quick
Ticket SecretaryAnne Hines