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Humble Boy


Charlotte Jones

Directed by: Ryan Ellershaw

7,9-14 Jan 2006

Felix Humble is an emotionally immature Oxford astrophysisist who makes a brief return to his home in the countryside for his father's funeral. His overbearing mother Flora seem's little moved by his father's death and Felix takes it badly when he finds she is already planning to re-marry. Especially when the groom-to-be is George Pye, with whom she has been having an affair, and who happens to be the father of Felix's former girlfriend Rosie (whom he abandoned to take up his Oxford studies).

When a garden party is arranged to bring them all together, with the decedent's ashes in a small pot on the table, mean-spirited sniping all-round soon becomes the order of the day.

Felix Humble Ryan Ellershaw
Flora Humble Susan McHugh
George Pye Fred Yeomans
Rosie Pye Lorraine Cox
Mercy Lott Elizabeth Vernon
The Gardener Charlie Cook
Stage Manager Doreen Brady
Wardrobe Joan Heineckey
Properties Joyce Sykes
Hilda Knight
Babs Frith
Continuity Liz Cook
Lighting Cyril Hines
Sound Val Donlan
Set Construction Doreen Brady
Roger Brady
Val Donlan
Cyril Hines
Rowland Mathews
Valerie Swithenbank
Trevor Tyler
Scenic Artist Shirley Murray
Programme Cover Derek Frith
Production Assistant Dodie Jones