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The House By The Lake


Hugh Mills

Directed by: Robert Lindop

18th - 20th February 1965

Maurice, together with his sister Stella, plans to murder his brother Colin by poisoning him and dropping him through the ice on a nearby lake. As Colin always used the lake to cross from his own house it would look like an accident.
  Assisted by a police inspector Janet discovers the murder, and when he knows of her suspicion Maurice decides to murder her too...
Colonel Forbes Len Yates
Stella Stella Winterbottom
Janet Barbara Fowler
Maurice Adam Hare
Colin David Broadhurst
Iris Shirley Quick
Mr Howard Ray Thomas
Nurse Thompson Bobby Eastwood
Stage Manager Ed Cheadle
ASM Gordon Butler
Stage Assistants Arthur Warburton
David Griffiths
Workshop Manager John Williamson
Sound Ron Proctor
Lighting Eric Quarmby
Malcom Fereday
Properties & Wardrobe Liz Crossland
Margaret Warburton
Publicity Officer Ronald Stenson
House Managers Ronald Stenson
Refreshments Ladies of the Society