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Music and Drama

Directed and Produced by: Jean Hill

20th - 24th May, 1969
The Twenties
JeannieMeg Stenson
WilburNeil Bradford
TootsieStephanie Hamilton
Baby-FaceRod Holt
BlackbirdDick Shpherd
ProprietorBobby Eastwood
Old Cow-handNorman Whitelam
CowboyJohn Mills
MissusMarjorie Cox
Edith King, Maisie Pring, May Seal, Audrey Slkater, Joan Woodhall
Arthur Dyer, John Mills, Ron Proctor
Margaret Hevicon, Frada Hinson, Barbara Jay, Jackie Marsden, Pat Thomas
Directed and produced by Jean Hill
Musical DirectorPat Nash
DrumsJohn Goodfellow
Sunday Costs Five Pesos
A Mexican Folk Comedy by Josephina Niggli
Fidel (who is in love with Berta)Joe Crossland
BertaMaisie Pring
Salome (Friend of Berta)Joyce Pomfret
Tonia (friend of Berta)May Seral
Produced by J C Garner
Old Tyme Music Hall
Master of CeremniesHarry Thornicroft
Ladies of the Chorus
Maureen Barton, Marjorie Cox, Bobby Eastwood, Stephanie Hamilton, Edith King, Maisie Pring, May Seal, Audrey Slater, Meg Stenson, Joan Woodhall, Peggy Wright
Neil Bradford, Arthur Dyer, Rod Holt, John Mills, Ron Proctor, Dick Shpherd, Norman Whitelam
Margaret Hevicon, Freda Hinson, Barbara Jay, Jackie Marsden, Pat Thomas
Directed and produced by Jean Hill
Musical DirectorPat Nash
DrumsJohn Goodfellow
Stage ManagerHarry Outhwaite
Assistant Stage ManagersCecil Wildman
Peter Womby
LightingGordon Butler
Ed Cheadle
John Williamson
SoundCyril Hines
Scenic ArtistPaul Butler
OpropertiesLucy Butler
Mary Gregory
CostumesJoyce Pomfret
May Seal
MillineryJill Rhoden
ContinuityEdna Garner
House ManagersAnne Hines
Bob McDowell
Ticket SecretaryAnn Hines
Refreshments by the Ladies of the Society