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The Haunting


Charles Dickens, adapted by Hugh Janes

Directed by: Ryan Ellershaw

18th - 22nd January, 2020

In an ancient, crumbling mansion, sheltering from the howling winds that tear across the surrounding desolate moorland, two men stumble across a dark and terrifying secret that will change both of their lives...


Edward FildeEwan Ellershaw
Lord GrayCharlie Cook
Stage ManagerCat Jones
Jackie Vandyes
Assistant Stage ManagersPam Jones
Nick and Helen Tyler
Jennie Vandyes
Lighting and SoundLuke Moulsher
Ollie Carroll
Ryan Ellershaw
Set DesignRyan Ellershaw
Set ConstructionSteve Hall
Luke Moulsher
Jackie Vandyes
Mark and Sam Vincent
Set DecorationTom Brindley
Chris Hall
Cat and Pam Jones
Cheryl Kelly
Nick and Helen Tyler
Jackie Vandyes
Irsha and Azeema Yasmin
Scenic paintingShirley Murray
PropsTom Brindley
Dave Carney
Charlie Cook
Cheryl Kelly
WardrobeChris Hall
Make upAga Childs
Gaelle Rogues
PromptLiz Cook
Front of HousePaul Lewis
Box OfficeAnne Davey
PublicityJackie Vandyes
Cheryl Kelly
Ollie Carroll
David Carney