Welcome to our comedy cornucopia, an excess of garrulous and
loquacious avidity and a sensational selection of songs giving rise
to an evening awash with nostalgia recreating the magic of The
Good Old Days scripted by that master of the vernacular Mr
Charlie Cook.
Your Master of Ceremonies for the evening:
The prodigious, phenomenal Mr David Garner.
The Programme
Act One
A maudlin memorable medley featuring Mr Luke Moulsher and your good
Cockney Medley featuring the Young Players (and not so young!)
The Battle of Hastings (a monologue of ponderous significance) Miss Jill
Summer Time — Miss Norma Besso
Ventriloquist Extraordinaire — Miss Jackie Evans and her Dummy (Jennie
Three Little Maids — Miss Elizabeth Bradbury, Miss Christine Blease and
Miss Martina Davey
The Boy in the Gallery — Miss Rebekah Higginbotham
Soup of the Day (a sketch of jocular jocose) — Miss Christine Hall, Mr David
Carney and Miss Jill Barney
We're a Couple of Swells — Miss Elizabeth Bradbury and Miss Jennie Davey
The Blue Danube (a playful rendition) featuring Mr Luke Moulsher and your
sportive selves
Interval — twenty-minute parenthesis to relieve and refresh yourselves
Act Two
Seaside Medley featuring Miss Christine Hall and the Young Players
Sand Dance — Miss Elizabeth Bradbury, Mr Martin Davey and Mr David
Swing Low Sweet Chariot — Miss Norma Besso
If I Were Not Upon This Stage — Miss Elizabeth Bradbury and the Young
Popsy and Wopsy — as themselves
The Strongman (a display of unequalled strength and vigour) — Mr Martin
Davey and his assistant Miss Kitty Hinde
Get Me to the Church on Time — Miss Jennie Davey
A Decorator's Nightmare (a vignette of veritable virtuosity) — Miss Elizabeth
Bradbury and Marcus Besso
Finale — The Company and your good selves!