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Tennessee Williams

Directed by: Len Simpson

28th September - 1st October 1977

Thriller set in the living room of a gloomy and unfashionable quarter of London, in the latter part of the 19th Century.

Mrs. ManninghamJudy Parrack
Mr. ManninghamDon Humphreys
RoughPeter Womby
ElizabethMabel Fiddes
Nancy MaySeal
PolicemenJohn Rowlands
Cyril Hines
Stage ManagerJohn Rowlands
SoundCyril Hines
LightingMary Gregory
Set Construction Stan Brown and Workshop Team
Make UpNicole Worrall
PropertiesBabs Jay
WardrobeJoyce Pomfret
ContinuityPat Thomas
Production AssistantJoyce Sykes
DesignerDavid Gregson