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Farndale Avenue Housing Estate Townswomen Guild's Murder Mystery


David McGillivray and Walter Zerlin Jr

Directed by: Cheryl Kelly

25th - 29th April 2017

Every drama group has experienced the horrors of what can go wrong on opening night, and the ladies of the F.A.H.E.T.G. Dramatic Society are no different, with the possible exception that almost everything that could happen does! The scenery collapses, cues are missed, lines forgotten, and the sound...

Mrs Phoebe Antigone ReeceChris Hall
Felicity Fotherington-SmytheLiz Bradbury
Thelma 'Gigi' GreenwoodGaelle Roques
Audrey PlackettLaura Pearson
Gordon PughEwan Henderson
Rebekah ReeceRebekah Higginbotham
Lois ReeceLois Moore
DirectorDelilah Dungworth and Cheryl Kelly
Set Design and DecorationNathaniel 'Natty' Hall (on loan from the Royal Court) happily his application for bail was accepted!
Set ConstructionSteve 'Hammerhead' Hall (available for loft conversions, hair extension and sheds)
Nathaniel Hall
Chris Hall
Set PaintingNathaniel Hall
Chris Hall
Gaelle Rogues
Liz Bradbury
Jean-Charles Cotterverte (Cheadle's Champion Camembert Cheesemaker and Fell Runner)
Adele Cotterverte-Roques (the famous Graffiti Pavement Artist)
Ewan Henderson
Cheryl Kelly
Wardrobe and CostumesChris 'The Big Cheese' Hall
Stage ManagementJackie 'Turn in, Tune out, Tidy up' Evans, A.K.A `TAZ' (Available for papering, painting, cake decorating and Combat Ventriloquism)
LightingChris 'Adrian The Blackout King' Toms (thanks for the loan of the film projector)
Luke Moulsher
Sound Design and OperationMartin 'Bang On Cue' Davey
Ollie 'On It' Carroll
PropsJackie Evans
Rebekah Higginbotham
Lois Moore
Gaelle Roques
ContinuityJennie 'The Foghorn' Davey
Front of HouseAnne Davey (thanks for also unknotting Mrs Reece's fishnet tights every night)
Derek Hulme A.K.A 'The Dapper Doorman'
Paul Lewis
and members of Heald Green Theatre
PublicityJackie Evans
Gaelle Roques
Adele Cotteverte-Roques (thanks for the library display and video editing)
Social MediaRob Goodwin-Davey
Cast and rehearsal photosMartin Davey
Additional material by Cheryl Kelly and Nathaniel Hall
Thanks to everyone involved in this fabulous production, it's been an absolute blast from beginning to end, Dahlings! I love you all!
Delilah Dungworth.
P.S. Phoebe please don't contact me to direct a play for you ever again — not unless Donald Trump is crowned Queen Of Tonga...