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The Exorcism


Don Taylor

Directed by: Barbara Ritchie

8th, 10th - 15th Nov 2003

Ed and Rachel are a successful couple who are somewhat ostentatiously displaying the fruits of their, or at least Ed's labour, in the form of an expensively renovated weekend retreat crafted with loving cash from a once derelict cottage out in the sticks. Spending Christmas day with them are their middle class friends, Dan and Margaret. A few drinks, exchange of presents, convivial meal, a few more drinks then off to bed.
Then it starts...

Dan Charlie Cook
Edmund Bruce Keesing
Margaret Sue Mooney
Rachel Maelanie Davy
Stage Manager Rowland Matthews
Continuity Margaret Williams
Set Construction Doreen Brady
and the workshop team
Lighting Val Donlan
Sound Cyril Hines
Props Marjorie Cox
Debbie Greenwood
Clare Lewis
Edwige Marsland
Wardrobe Joan Heinekey
Production Assistant Dodie Jones
Programme Cover Design Derek Frith
Our thanks to
Floreeda Fabrications Ltd, Acryllic Display Manufacturers
for the donation of materials