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Di and Viv and Rose


Amelia Bullmore

19th - 23rd February, 2019
Director: Ryan Ellershaw
It's October 1983, Margaret Thatcher is in power, millions have watched Deirdre Barlow make the shocking decision to break up with Mike Baldwin and go back to Ken Barlow and Boy George is shaking up the music scene with 'Karma Chameleon'. Di, Viv and Rose are about to embark on the biggest adventure of their lives. University life- in 'The North'. Watch their hilarious antics as they negotiate the tricky world of love, launderettes and learning to live with each other...
DiBrigid Hemingway
VivCheryl Kelly
RoseNeerja Sethi
Stage ManagerChris Hall
Set DesignNathaniel Hall
Set Construction and DecorationNathaniel Hall
Steve Hall
Ryan Ellershaw
Jennie and Jackie Evans-Davey
Ewan Henderson
Cheryl Kelly
LightingLuke Moulsher
SoundMartin Davey
WardrobeCast with assistance from Chris Hall
PropsChris Hall and cast
Rehearsal PhotographsMark Vincent