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Dangerous Corner


J. B. Priestley

Directed by: Mary Scott

12th, 14th - 19th Jan 2002
The gradual revelation of the truth about a murdered man disrupt his family and friends and shows them up for the rotters they are.
Robert Caplan Jake Flamberg
Freda Caplan Tracy Burn
Betty Whitehouse Jenny Panton
Gordon Whitehouse Ian Tyler
Olwen Peel Pam Roberts
Charles Stanton Chris Jorgensson
Miss Mockridge Barbara Ritchie
Excerpt from "The Road Not Taken" by Carmel Waller
Stage Manager Duncan Walker
Wardrobe Joan Heinekey
Properties Valerie Swithenbank
Barbara Hopkinson
Continuity Elizabeth Vernon
Lighting Geoff Bird
Cyril Hines
Sound Val Donlan
Cyril Hines
Hair Sue Mooney
Scenic Artist Shirley Murray
Set Construction Doreen Brady
and The Workshop Team
Programme Cover Derek Frith
Production Assistant Derrick Jones