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The Cherry Orchard


Anton Chekhov
translated by Sir John Gielgud

Directed by: Mike Russell

11-15 May 1982

The play concerns an aristocratic Russian woman and her family as they return to their family estate (which includes a large and well-known cherry orchard) just before it is auctioned to pay the mortgage. While presented with options to save the estate, the family essentially does nothing and the play ends with the sale of the estate to the son of a former serf; the family leaves to the sound of the cherry orchard being cut down. The story presents themes of cultural futility – both the futile attempts of the aristocracy to maintain its status and of the bourgeoisie to find meaning in its newfound materialism. In reflecting the socio-economic forces at work in Russia at the turn of the 20th century, including the rise of the middle class after the abolition of serfdom in the mid-19th century and the sinking of the aristocracy, the play reflects forces at work around the globe in that period.

Lopahin, Yermolay Alexeyevich (a merchant) Norman Whitelam
Dunyasha (a maid) Sue Mooney
Epihodov, Semion Panteyevich (a clerk) Peter Wych
Firs (an old servant) John Garner
Madame Ranevsky, Lyubov Adreyevna (a landowner) Judy Parrick
Anya (her daughter) Ceris Williams
Charlotta, Ivanovna (a governess) Jean Cox
Varya (Mme Ranevsky's adopted daughter) Sarah Mawhinney
Gaev, Leonid Andreyevich (Mme Ranevsky's brother) Don Williams
Pistchik, Semyonov (a landowner) Ron Thompson
Yasha (a young manservant) Duncan Walker
Trofimov, Petya Sergeyevich (a student) Neil Hayward
A passer-by Derek Frith
A Stationmaster Dennis Carroll
Production and Stage Manager John Rowlands
Continuity and Make Up Edna Garner
Lighting Mary Gregory
Chris Eglin
Sound Geoffrey Rayert
Properties Babs Jay
Marjorie Cox
Emma Hare
Mavis Rowlands
Les Hinson
Wardrobe Joyce Pomfret
Helen Darnely
Sarah Mawhinney
Christine Hall
Clare Stevenson
Shelagh Hewitt
Meg McAudrey
Set Design Derek Frith
Set Construction Stan Brown
Gerrard Kathryes
Pat Hohne
Barbara Broadhurst
Jonathan Stott
Geoffrey Reyner
Production Assistant Pat Thomas