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Caught In The Net


Ray Cooney

Directed by: Sue Mooney

20th, 22nd - 27th Sep 2003

In this sequel to ‘Run for Your Wife’, Gavin Smith, son of John and Barbara Smith, befriends Vicki Smith, daughter of John and Mary Smith, online. They discover that their fathers have the same name and occupation. They decide that they have to meet, and their father, John, attempts to thwart the meeting with the aid of his pal, the not-so-bright Stanley Gardner. With Stanley’s even-less-helpful father in the mix, the result is confusion, lying, and all sorts of craziness...

Gavin Nathaniel Hall
Vicky Natalie Turner
Mary Carmel Bird
Barbara Christine Hall
John Charlie Cook
Stanley Geoff Bird
Stanley's Father Bill Platt
Stage Manager Emma Cartledge
Continuity Barbara Ritchie
Set Construction Doreeen Brady
and the workshop team
Lighting Cyril Hines
Sound Val Donlan
Props Liz Cook
Valerie Swithenbank
Wardrobe Joan Heinekey
Production Assistant Dodie Jones
Programme Cover Design Derek Frith