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Caramba's Revenge


William Norfolk

Directed by: Charlie Cook

10,12-17 Mar 2001

A black comedy about four retired ladies who have formed a co-operative, sharing their lives in Violet's rented house, pooling their pensions and sharing the chores. That is until Violet dies after a mugging. Needing to hold on to her pension book and rent book Marge, Lottie and Doris omit to tell the authorities and leave Violet's body peacefully in a cemetery.

Life goes on happily until the arrival of Violet's granddaughter, Ronnie, from Australia, the police in the person of Inspector Grubb, and another housemate, Rose (complete with a parrot)...

Lottie Elizabeth Veronon
Doris Doris Cocking
Marge Margaret Williams
Ronnie Rhinannon Lewis
Augustus Grubb Tom Thistleton
Rose Irene White
Grace Barbara Ritchie
Stage Manager Liz Cook
Wardrobe Jayne Taylor
Properties Liz Cook
Joyce Sykes
Valerie Swithenbank
Continuity Barbara Hopkinson
Lighting Ian Tyler
Sound Derrick Frith
Set Construction Doreen Brady
and the Workshop Team
Scenic Artist Shirley Murray
Programme Cover Derek Frith
Original music written and performed by Charlie Cook and Ian Parker