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Broken Glass


Arthur Miller

Directed by Sylvia Crossley

31 Jan, 2-5 Feb 2011

Phillip, an up-tight New York banker, is trying to find a reason why his wife has suddenIy become paralysed by the news of Hitler's assault on German Jaws. It is up to the couple's doctor to discover the root of his illness. Ultimately, Miller's characters prove that connections between human beings can be the most wonderful, and painful, of things.

Phillip Gellburg Jim Gillepsie
Margaret Hyman Keeley Chesworth
Dr Harry Hyman Paul Reid
Sylvia Gellburg Rani Jackson
Harriet Christina Knowles
Stanton Case David Garner
Cellist John Goodborn
Stage Manager Jennie davey
Wardrobe Christine Hall
Joan Heinekey
Properties Bernadette Murray-Robb
Barbara Oldham
Scenic Artist Shirley Murray
Continuity Liz Cook
Lighting Alex Hall
Sound Derek Frith
Staging Peter Andrews
Steve Hall
Stan Marsh
Alan Mooney
Geoff Silvester