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Bedroom Farce


Alan Ayckbourn

Directed by: Edna Garner

11th, 14th - 18th May 1991

The marital problems of Trevor and Susan turn to disaster at the house-warming party of Kate and Malcolm, disrupt the already failed anniversary celebrations of Delia and Ernest, and shatter the frail peace enjoyed by Jan and Mick (before his 'back' put him to bed).

Ernest John Still
Delia Alma Marple
Nick Bill Greaves
Jan Sue Mooney
Malcolm Geoff Bird
Kate Glenda Robinson
Trevor Geoff Reyner
Susannah Sam Beswick
Stage Manager Pam Leonard
Continuity Margaret Williams
Set Design Mary Burns
Set Construction Barbara Hayward
Cyril Hines
Gordon Butler
John Rowlands
Mary Burns
Lighting Cyril Hines
Sound Gordon Butler
Properties Babs Frith
Joyce Sykes
Barbara Hayward
Wardrobe Anne Hines
Joyce Pomfret
Make Up Edna Garner
Photography Mike Savage
Programme Cover Derek Frith
Production Assistant Derrick Jones