Around The World In 80 Songs
20th April - 1st May, 1965
Ladies of the Chorus |
Hilary Ashton, Margaret Browne, Beryl Churchhouse, Joy Cliffe, Margaret Gadd, Barbara Jay, Wyn Jones, Irene Pearson, Bridget Phillips, Joyce Pomfret, Joan Rawsthorn, Audrey Slater, Nora Summerside, Pat Thomas, Doreen Willington, Peggy Wright |
Gentlemen of the Chorus |
Neil Bradford, Joh n Blakeway, Cliff Borwn, Tony Browne, Mike Cornall, Bby McDowell, John Mills, Ron Proctor, Norman Whitelam |
Dancers |
Vickey Bowen, Lucy Butler, Eileen Cornall, Jaon Evans, Lyn Grunnitt, Meg Stenson |
Travel Agent | Peter Slater |
Priscilla Arkwright | Stella Winterbottom |
Albert Arkwright | Peter Womby |
Script Writers Tony Browne, Joe Crossland, John Mills and Pat Nash |
Hon Accompanist | Arthur Dyer |
Pianist | Pat Nash |
Percussion | John Goodfellow |
Stage Manager | Cyril Hines |
Assistant Stage Manager | David Griffiths |
Workshop Manager | John Williamson |
Lighting | Gordon Butler Ed Cheadle |
Stage Assistants | Cyril Wildman Arthur Warburton |
Sound | Ray Thomas |
Property Mistress | Mary Costello |
Wardobe Mistresses | Peggy Butler Ann Hines |
Publicty Manager | Ronald Stenson |
House Managers | Adam Hare Ronald Stenson |
Ticket Secretary | Ann Hines |
Costumes made by the cast under the supervision of Joan Rawsthorn Dancers costumes under the supervision of Joan Evans |
Refreshments by the Ladies of the Society |
The Producer wishes to acknowledge with grateful thanks the help given by members of the Society whose names do not appear in ths programme |