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Accrington Pals


Peter Whelan

13th, 16th -20th Nov 1999
Director: Mike Rogerson
This lyrical, absorbing play, premiered by the RSC, is set in Accrington during 1914-16. The "Pals" are the men from the local volunteer battalion who march high-spiritedly off to the Great War with their experiences in the trenches contrasted with those of the women left behind. At times funny, at times sad, it paints a moving and powerful picture of the changes in civilian life during wartime.
May Helen Clark
Bertha Melanie Wright
Ralph Will Whitehead
CSM Rivers Tom Thistelton
Arthur Duncan Walker
Eva Rhiannon Lewis
Tom Chris Schilling
Annie Krys Rodda
Sarah Ruth Taylor
Reggie Chris Wilson
Stage Manager Doreen Brady
Wardrobe Jayne Taylor
Joan Heinekey
Properties Marjorie Cox
Babs Frith
Prompt Sue Mooney
Lighting Val Donlan
Sound Cyril Hines
Set Design Mike Rogerson
Set Construction Norman Whitelam
Doreen Brady
Roger Brady
John Rowlands
Derek Frith
Cyril Hines
Reg Sykes
Val Donlan
Krys Rodds
Peter Valentine
Scenic Artist Shirley Murray
Programme Cover Derek Frith
Production Assistant Derrick Jones
Our grateful thanks to
THe Media Make-up Department, Stockport College
in assistance with make-up