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A Friend Indeed


William Douglas Home

Directed by: Mollie K Locke

September 1973

A young pair who have met on the Isle of Capri a few days earlier and want to get married right away.
The girl is the daughter of the Permanent Head of the Foreign Office, and the boy the son of the rich American widow. But the boy is also the son of the Permanent Head of the Foreign Office, the result of a spot of diplomatic dalliance in Washington during the war.

Miri Beryl Jolley
Sir John Holt Norman Whitelam
Sir Lionel Hilbury Ken Dooley
Lady Maude Hilbury Doris Cocking
Sheila Hilbury Lynda Hankinson
Bobby Butterfield Paul Mitchell
(programme showed 'Robert Stephenson')
Rosie Butterfield Maisie Pring
Stage Manager Peter Womby
Wardrobe May Seal
Properties Maureen Ogley
Jill Nash
Francesca Mitchell
Continuity Pat Thomas
Lighting and Sound Gordon Butler
Lighting assistant Mary Gregory
Set Construction Harry Outhwaite
John Rowlands
L Kirwin
Cecil Wildman
Bob Ward
B Hillston
Light fittings used on the set on loan from
Exchange Electric Ltd of Great Ancoat Street to whom offer our sincere thanks